Sunday 31 May 2015


For the last three years, I have been observing attitudes, listening to opinions and reading blogs/comments about perpetrators and their victims.

When did some Christians (of all denominations) reduce themselves to being rape apologists and protectors of rapist/pedophile’s sentiments?

When did the private and personal healing balm of forgiveness come to be used as a weapon of inducing guilt in the victim, an instrument of silencing the victim?

“He that is without sin, cast the first stone” is being used indiscriminately, over the Internet, to silence the uproar against such crimes.

Random quotes from The Bible are being bandied about, which not being in context, have resulted in negative imagery of Jesus and have made Him the butt of ridicule.

The poem that follows, comes from deep within my being, (and while not being about you or me) speaks up for the voiceless victims the world over, past, present and future.  

Sunday 24 May 2015


A poem is the Poet's sole Intellectual Property and each poem is poet's means of communicating a thought. Avoid 'interpreting' a poem because, interpreting is the act of super-imposing your thoughts over the message being conveyed by the poet. 

I don't agree with the first 2 lines of the 4th verse of the poem. I don't know why I even wrote them. 
... Jacqui 

Friday 5 September 2014

To The Teacher

Unfortunately, this poem, written and posted in 2014, is relevant to the atmosphere in North American Universities today.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Sunday 3 August 2014

Tinta - First Birthday As A Nani

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 


You bring music,
You bring humour,
Make cheerful, a normal day,
So on your first birthday as 'Nani'
While reminiscing, I say ....

All those songs you ever sang,
The stories that you told,
Unforgettable treasures,
On each one I was sold.

The Carnival Is Over
Devoted To You
Puppet On A String
To the tune you sure were true.

And that 'Emmer' story,
Could have sworn that, that was true,
And 'The Rosary Will Turn Into A Snake If You Twirl It'
Boy! what memories I have of you!

May your birthday be the happiest!
And your joys grow through the year!
May your cherished dreams turn into reality!
Happy Birthday Tinta!

Thursday 26 June 2014

Thursday 29 May 2014


Free Will


(There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

There was this post doing the rounds on Facebook, in which a man murders his wife in front of their daughter. The post goes on to claim that ‘Jesus’ was by the little girl’s side re-assuring her.  To the query, ‘Why doesn’t ‘Jesus’ prevent the murder from taking place?’ the reply was, “God does not interfere in man’s Free Will.”
Free Will!

Whose does prevail?

When in opposition

For whom, tips the scale?

 Does the ‘survival of the fittest’

To ‘Free Will’ too apply?

And if the ‘stronger’ desires the ‘weaker one’s’ death

Will the ‘weaker’, ‘have to’ die?

 Then how can it be called ‘Free Will’

For here there is no choice

Just imposition of another’s ‘Will’

On one with no or feeble voice!

 Am I then to understand,

To derive from this debate,

‘Free Will’ is to enable the stronger

To seal the weaker one’s fate?
