Friday 26 April 2024


 Painstakingly hand-crafted  ......

My right hand shakes when BP’s high,

Plus, I've no vision in one of my eyes,

These limitations contribute to the resulting shapes,

That from imperfections arise.

..... by Jacqui 

Monday 22 April 2024

Saturday 13 April 2024


 Transforming life's thorns into a thing of beauty

Thursday 11 April 2024

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The Safer Option


Is Silence The Safer Option Or A Cowardly One?

This poem essays the dilemma faced by the protagonist when they come face-to-face with the acts of weaponized cruelty and bias crime.
They have been brought up in a faith that encourages speaking out against injustice.
If the protagonist takes a stand against the above, they know that there is the possibility of trouble for themselves, their lives changing drastically.
The protagonist is anxious and fearful and questions if they will be protected by their God if they follow the path set out by Him.
If they choose the path of silence, will they be acting out of cowardice?

Saturday 6 April 2024