Sunday, 31 December 2023

Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024!

 Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024!

Over the years, whenever I have experienced any adversity, I have actively sought and have graciously learned the resultant lessons, implemented them in my life, and turned around adversity into benefit. This approach has held me in good stead.

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Divinely Chosen

 Jamie Anderson: "Grief is love, with no place to go." 

Love taken away,  with no hope for return, 

Into grief gets translated,

For, "Grief is love,  with no place to go" 

Where the heart has disintegrated.

Friday, 13 October 2023

Beauty In Black And White

 Almost all of my drawings are unplanned and non-representational. I just draw and am then pleasantly surprised at the end result. It seems that I use an art form (without knowing it) called Zentangle Art. Thank you Mona Biblow for this information.

I am fascinated by the beauty of black and white graphics 🩶🖤

Monday, 18 September 2023

From Monochrome In 2022-2023 To Colour in 2023-2024


In September 2022 I completed 10 Years as a childless widow. 

To commemorate that landmark, I dedicated the past 12 months to innumerable pen sketches in stark Black and White with the tag line: 

"With the abject darkness given,

Beauty I sought to create, 

Made slits in that canvas of black,

To allow light to infiltrate."

In September 2023, I embarked on a new series of pen sketches, in the colours that I love.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Is It In My Destiny?

 Is It In My Destiny?

"What was hidden in my heart,

Now on my lips a-quiver,

Awaiting a window of opportunity,

To it, to its recipient deliver."

Friday, 1 September 2023

A Contract Of The Soul?

 A Contract Of The Soul?

"Is there a thing called 'soul-mates'?

Is there 'past life affiliation'?

Do 'twin flames' exist,

Looking for reconciliation?"

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

What The Heart Wants, The Heart Does Not Always Get

 Acknowledging Lata for her proof reading skills, without which this poem would be a grammatical mess 😁  

Thank you Lata 💖

What The Heart Wants, The Heart Does Not Always Get 

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Maverick Imagination 🐈🐈🐈😢😔💔💔💔

 Frodo🐈💔,   BinDee🐈💔,   Finch🐈💔,

After spending on it,

Just weeks, far too few,

Itty, bitty kittens three,

To Earth have bid Adieu,


Monday, 8 May 2023

Tuxedo Panther ❤️

 Starring Lil' Binks (aka ZacharyFur) as the Tuxedo Panther ❤️

Any distressed kitten
Just has to cry out "MEW!"
In rushes the Tuxedo Panther
To it's rescue.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

छोटी सी बात

Songwriters: Salil Chowdhury / Yogesh

छोटी सी बात

न जाने क्यूँ, 

होता है ये ज़िंदगी के साथ

अचानक ये मन

किसी के जाने के बाद 

करे फिर उसकी याद

छोटी छोटी सी बात 

न जाने क्यूँ

वो अंजान पल ढल गये कल 

आज वो रंग बदल बदल 

मन को मचल मचल रहें, न चल 

न जाने क्यूँ 

वो अंजान पल

सजे बिना मेरे नैनों मे

टूटे रे हाय रे सपनों के महल

न जाने क्यूँ 

होता है ये ज़िंदगी के साथ

अचानक ये मन

किसी के जाने के बाद 

करे फिर उसकी याद

छोटी छोटी सी बात 

न जाने क्यूँ

वही है डगर

वही है सफ़र है नहीं

साथ मेरे मगर अब मेरा हमसफ़र

इधर उधर ढूँढे नज़र वही है डगर

कहाँ गईं शामें मदभरी

वो मेरे, मेरे वो दिन गये किधर

न जाने क्यूँ 

होता है ये ज़िंदगी के साथ

अचानक ये मन

किसी के जाने के बाद 

करे फिर उसकी याद

छोटी छोटी सी बात 

न जाने क्यूँ