Free Will


(There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

There was this post doing the rounds on Facebook, in which a man murders his wife in front of their daughter. The post goes on to claim that ‘Jesus’ was by the little girl’s side re-assuring her.  To the query, ‘Why doesn’t ‘Jesus’ prevent the murder from taking place?’ the reply was, “God does not interfere in man’s Free Will.”
Free Will!

Whose does prevail?

When in opposition

For whom, tips the scale?

 Does the ‘survival of the fittest’

To ‘Free Will’ too apply?

And if the ‘stronger’ desires the ‘weaker one’s’ death

Will the ‘weaker’, ‘have to’ die?

 Then how can it be called ‘Free Will’

For here there is no choice

Just imposition of another’s ‘Will’

On one with no or feeble voice!

 Am I then to understand,

To derive from this debate,

‘Free Will’ is to enable the stronger

To seal the weaker one’s fate?


Sunday 25 May 2014

Save Civilization

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

Friday 23 May 2014

Fence Sitters, Pseudo Fence Sitters



Thank you Mr. Khera.


Ethics of convenience,
Vacillating values,
No courage of conviction,
Conformist attitudes,
See the ‘hunting with the hound’,
And the ‘running with the hare’
Of being a fence-sitter,
A person to beware.

More dangerous, however
Than the fence-sitter could ever be
Are the pseudo fence-sitters
Who excel in duplicity
Who camouflage true agenda
With contrived disinterest
While pulling the rug underfoot
Of the one who’s in distress.

A pseudo fence-sitter
What are the recognizable traits?
Inconsistent in impartiality
Empathy towards winning stakes
Ferments misconception
Insincere in nurturing accord
With the ethics of convenience
And no courage to boast off.

The One In The Dock Has Honour

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

In case it slipped your notice, I'm being sarcastic, very, very sarcastic. And though I've referenced just 3 'honourables', this poem can be applied to many, many more.

It's Hard To Believe That You Are Not Here

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

The Gift Of Eloquence

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

Use of the gift of eloquence,
To awareness activate,
To bring to light, to acquaint,
The concealed to elucidate,

     Has triggered dismay in the select,
     With covert exploits on the mind,
     Raising demands to desist,
     Unmasking of deeds unkind,

With the threat that refusal to conform,
Would result in "Raising Cain',
In snub, in calumny, scorn and slight 
For going against the grain.


There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

Computer Studies

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 


Counting Blessings

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 


Wednesday 21 May 2014

A Twisted Mind, A Twisted Tongue

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Statement Of Intent

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems.


Sunday 18 May 2014

Who's To Blame

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 


A sarcastic take on the ridiculous and reprehensible reasons given for rape occurring.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Denial And Disbelief

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 


Wednesday 14 May 2014

What Is That Sound?

(The graphics are  sourced from Google Search.)         


Wake Up!

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.
Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

Wake up! Wake up! You’ve been duped!
Your trust is being deviously exploited
Use logic, use reason, use your intellect
For deception to be thwarted.

The ‘truth’ has been told in solemn tones
Fleshed out with plausible lies
With a presentation of believable fabrications
The trusting, with deceit, to apprise.

Flourishing unchecked, is this dangerous trend,
Of mangling a fellow human’s reputation
Shrouding reality and promoting hearsay
Supporting discernment’s decimation.

In rapt attention, do you hear all
Apply no test of credibility
Nor care to take time to verify
The claims of time-honored authority?

Are you of emaciated logic
Are you offering the deceiver respect
Have you been blinded to reality,
Have you been applying your intellect?

Wake up! Wake up! It’s time to wake up!
To your mind’s exploitation
Use logic, use reason, use your intellect
From deception to gain liberation.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

How The Cry For Justice Is Silenced

There are over 250 poems on my blog. Do read them.

Below is a link to direct access to some interesting poems. 

How The Cry For Justice Is Silenced